How yoga and mindfulness can help with anxiety

by Nicolas Massines


Fear, anxiety, stress … We all live in difficult situations to face. If we start to list the sources that cause anxiety in our lives, we would lose count, especially in a complicated health context like the one we live in today. Anxiety involves a general feeling of uneasiness about possible future danger. Even if fear can be normal when facing certain situations, when this anxiety becomes persistent it becomes a problem, interfering in our daily lives. Excessive discomfort, fear of the unknown, and restlessness take over our existence; And it is at that precise moment when we most need the practice of Yoga.


What are signs and symptoms of anxiety?

You experience unhappiness and discomfort, racing thoughts or over-thinking. You have difficulties concentrating, feelings of dread or panic or sleeping problems. You suffer of extreme tiredness or lack of energy. Fast heartbeat, sweating and heavy and fast breathing can be other physical symptoms of anxiety.


How can Yoga help?

The regular practice of Yoga helps you stay calm and relaxed in difficult situations and provides strength to face all kind of events, accepting them as they come. Ideally, the practice of Yoga encompasses a set of postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayamas) and meditation, in addition to the study of the philosophy of Yoga itself.


1.Move your body and release stress and negativity with asanas.

All yoga postures (Asanas) help to relax tensions and to release the negative energy that we accumulate in our bodies and minds.

Examples of asanas: mountain pose (Tadasana), chair pose (Utkatasana), downward dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), and a long etcetera.


2. Breathe properly with pranayamas to relieve anxiety.

The teachings of yoga remind us not to dwell on the past and not to worry about the future. Focusing your attention on the breath helps to free the mind from useless and negative thoughts, focusing on atha (अथ): The Present Moment.


3. Meditate to experience peace of mind.

Meditation can be an excellent method to relax an anxious mind, providing a feeling of calm and peace in the face of an unknown future. Anxiety triggers a spike in the adrenaline hormone, tightening the muscles, increasing sweating, and shaking the mind to no avail. Various scientific investigations have shown that a regular practice of meditation significantly reduces this hormone, linked to the feeling of stress.


4. Apply the philosophy of Yoga in your life, be happy and enjoy every moment.

Knowing the fundamental principles of Yoga helps to maintain a healthy and happy life. Adequate nutrition, small satisfactions, and a healthy and serene way of life help in the fight against stress and anxiety. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali expose in a clear and detailed way all the steps to follow.


5. Sing, smile and keep the faith.

The singing of yoga sutras attracts positive energy and liberates the mind. Smiling and laughing releases endorphins, inspires confidence, boosts your immune system and relieves stress. Keep the faith. Believe and expect that good things will happen, and they will. 


6. Think about what you can do for others.

If we are constantly focused on ourselves, we add stress and anxiety to our lives. Yoga helps to shift your attention so that you can be useful to others. Investing time in others will be a source of satisfaction and joy.


7. Understand the impermanence of the world.

When, thanks to Yoga, you realize that everything around you is temporary and changing, you will find yourself more relaxed and serene inside. A feeling of “all this will pass” settles in your mind and thus frees you from sorrow and distress.


8. Remember a similar time in your life when you had to deal with anxiety.

Think back to situations in the past when you made it through something you thought was insurmountable. A pillar of Yoga is to rely on previous experiences to face the day to day and not project your desires and fears in the future. 


9. Spend time in nature.

The next time you feel overwhelmed by your busy and excited mind, spend some time in nature! You can hike in the mountains, spend time by the ocean, take a stroll through a nearby nature reserve, sit by a river, or just watch a bird in your yard.


Through these simple and effective methods, Yoga and Mindfulness will help you to efficiently combat anxiety and stress.


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